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Mandarin Village Updates

This week we will be learning about colors and numbers! On Monday, we focused our attention primarily on colors and learn basic vocab of the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) and, when mixed, what they become (orange, green, and purple).

We will talk science about how we perceive colors during the lesson. This will be followed by a book or use of the whiteboard to provide a visual aid and a "Color Song". We will end with a craft, either painting or making a color wheel of their own.

On Wednesday, we will focus our attention primarily on numbers and learn basic vocab of the numbers 1-10 in Chinese. We will read a book and use it to play the game: "Find the Animals by their Number" and also provide a visual aid as the children learn to count in Chinese. We will sing the "Number Song", which will be followed by a craft that is still TBD.

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